
Refus­ing to Crum­ble: The Dan­ish Resis­tance in World War II

Michael Bur­gan
  • Review
By – September 1, 2011
This book is from the series called Tak­ing a Stand. The oth­er titles are: Free­dom Fight­er: William Wal­lace and the Bat­tle for Inde­pen­dence, Strik­ing Back: The Fight to End Child Labor Exploita­tions, and Unit­ed in Cause: The Sons of Lib­er­ty. This series exam­ines how one per­son or small groups of peo­ple have the courage to change the course of his­to­ry. Refus­ing to Crum­ble begins with the inva­sion of Den­mark in April, 1940. T he Ger­mans said that Denmark’s King Chris­t­ian could keep his throne, but a new Dan­ish gov­ern­ment began to run the city with active par­tic­i­pa­tion and coop­er­a­tion of the Nazi’s. That’s when a resis­tance move­ment, work­ing with the help of Great Brit­ian and Swe­den, began to sab­o­tage the war effort. The book pro­vides names of indi­vid­u­als and names of resis­tance groups and includes infor­ma­tion on how Jews were treat­ed. A Ger­man, Georg Duk­witz, work­ing in Den­mark found out that the Ger­mans were plan­ning on round­ing up the Dan­ish Jews to send them to con­cen­tra­tion camps. He took action and got the Swedish gov­ern­ment to be ready to accept 7200 Jews from 300 Dan­ish fish­ing boats. This unit­ed effort to save the Jews was one of the great­est acts of moral courage dur­ing the war. This book is well-researched, with quo­ta­tions, pic­tures with side­bars explain­ing the text, a good time­line of events in Den­mark, a glos­sary, a select bib­li­og­ra­phy, a map, source notes, fur­ther read­ing and even Inter­net sites. For ages 12 and up.
Bar­bara Sil­ver­man had an M.L.S. from Texas Woman’s Uni­ver­si­ty. She worked as a children’s librar­i­an at the Cor­pus Christi Pub­lic Libraries and at the Cor­pus Christi ISD before retir­ing. She worked as a vol­un­teer at the Astor Juda­ic Library of the Lawrence Fam­i­ly JCC in La Jol­la, CA. Sad­ly, Bar­bara passed away is 2012.

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