
Sew Jew­ish

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Expe­ri­ence the joy of Jew­ish tra­di­tion through sewing. Set your hol­i­day table, cel­e­brate life, and dec­o­rate your home with this col­lec­tion of 18 projects that rejoice in Jew­ish life: a mix of mod­ern projects and clas­sic Judaica — includ­ing a tal­lit, chal­lah cov­er, and wed­ding chup­pah — rein­ter­pret­ed for today’s sewing enthusiasts.

Sew Jew­ish pro­vides detailed, step-by-step instruc­tions, expert tips, and basic tech­niques for even begin­ning craft enthu­si­asts to achieve beau­ti­ful results, along with inter­est­ing tid­bits about the teach­ings and his­to­ry behind clas­sic Judaica and Jew­ish traditions.

If you can set your sewing machine to a straight stitch or a zigzag, you can make all the projects in this book!

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