
Spir­i­tu­al Cross-Train­ing: Search­ing through Silence, Stretch, and Song

  • From the Publisher
February 10, 2016

On a search for God, Rab­bi Ben­jamin Shal­va jour­neyed through the wilds of Tibet and took a pil­grim­age to a white-walled monastery in Rhode Island. He wres­tled with demons, danced with temptress­es, and joined hun­dreds of voic­es in prayer under the stars.

Now, using the lessons and tech­niques gained through years of reli­gious explo­ration and inward reflec­tion, Rab­bi Shal­va offers sim­ple and pow­er­ful ways to con­nect with the Cre­ator and with one’s spir­i­tu­al self, whether in the syn­a­gogue or the yoga stu­dio, or even while sit­ting in traf­fic, work­ing late at the office, or kneel­ing in your back­yard gar­den.

In this hon­est, inti­mate mem­oir with down-to-earth instruc­tion and guid­ance, Rab­bi Shal­va reveals that you don’t have to be per­fect or sin­gu­lar­ly focused to accom­plish deep spir­i­tu­al work. By cross-train­ing in three sim­ple exer­cis­es — silence, stretch, and song — you can strength­en your spir­i­tu­al mus­cles and deep­en your per­son­al search for mean­ing.

Inspir­ing and refresh­ing­ly can­did, Spir­i­tu­al Cross-Train­ing encour­ages us to trust our own path, grow with an open mind and a light heart, and uncov­er the truth as we search for our place in the universe.

Discussion Questions