
The Ambas­sadors: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

With its sweep­ing his­tor­i­cal and geo­graph­i­cal range, George Lern­er’s ambi­tious debut nov­el takes read­ers deep into the com­plex lives of a New York fam­i­ly and the sear­ing upheavals of late 20th cen­tu­ry Africa. Embed­ded in real events, The Ambas­sadors takes read­ers on an unfor­get­table jour­ney through the Con­go, Ger­many, and Brook­lyn as it exam­ines one family’s pas­sage through geno­cide and grief.

Jacob Fur­man has always cho­sen his call to duty over his wife, Susan­na, and their son, Shalom. When he’s deployed to the Con­go as a Mossad oper­a­tive to help the Tut­sis in their fight against the Hutus, Susan­na and Shalom are once again left to con­tem­plate his absence. Susan­na, a Holo­caust orphan and an esteemed lin­guis­tics schol­ar, buries her­self in work as she search­es for the bio­log­i­cal roots of human lan­guage, while Shalom, over­whelmed by the accom­plish­ments of his par­ents, strug­gles in search of his iden­ti­ty. After years apart, a frag­ile reunion borne out of ill­ness sparks a sense of fam­i­ly they nev­er had before, con­nect­ing the three in a web of emo­tion not just to one anoth­er but to the polit­i­cal events that have defined our century.

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