• From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Jew­ish law pro­fes­sor Adam Wright stars as the fic­tion­al hero of a hilar­i­ous, heart­felt nov­el for any­one who cares about edu­ca­tion, lawyers, or ambi­tious, high-per­form­ing Jews — and their par­ents.

The Curve is set at a down-and-out law school on the tox­ic banks of Brook­lyn’s Gowanus Canal, where Adam finds him­self trapped in a school-wide grad­ing scam, sur­round­ed by an admin­is­tra­tion on the take, and stuck in an office that once was a restroom. He teams up with his beau­ti­ful and bril­liant col­league, Lau­ra Sta­ple­ton, and a cast of dig­i­tal­ly-dis­tract­ed, deeply-in-debt stu­dents to sal­vage the mess and save him­self — before it’s too late.

Inspired by the head­lines about cor­rup­tion in high­er edu­ca­tion and writ­ten by two Har­vard Law grad­u­ates with six pre­vi­ous­ly-pub­lished books between them, The Curve is rel­e­vant to any­one who’s ever won­dered where their tuition mon­ey is buried.

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