
The Life-Trans­form­ing Diet: Health and Psy­cho­log­i­cal Prin­ci­ples of Maimonides

  • From the Publisher
February 17, 2014

Expe­ri­ence an inner and out­er trans­for­ma­tion with David Zul­berg’s The Life-Trans­form­ing Diet. This sim­ple, prac­ti­cal and any­thing-but-bor­ing pro­gram is more than mere­ly a diet. It is a lifestyle that you can live with, because you are empow­ered to choose what to eat and when to eat it. Based on the wis­dom of Mai­monides (Ram­bam), one of the great­est Jew­ish sages who ever lived and the out­stand­ing doc­tor of his time, the Life-Trans­form­ing Diet will give you the tools for opti­mum emo­tion­al and phys­i­cal health, a more spir­i­tu­al out­look and sus­tain­able weight loss, no mat­ter what your age, gen­der or occu­pa­tion. The Life-Trans­form­ing Diet offers you: Grad­ual, step-by-step imple­men­ta­tion of a new approach to eat­ing: you don’t go cold turkey’. The­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion, includ­ing insights into how we form bad habits and tips for lay­ing the foun­da­tion for new, bet­ter ones. A sim­ple, quick and well-round­ed exer­cise pro­gram that does­n’t require a finan­cial com­mit­ment. A do-it-your­self sup­port sys­tem that takes only a few min­utes a day. Advice for Shab­bat and oth­er diet­ing chal­lenges. An intel­li­gent and real­is­tic main­te­nance program.

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