The Sab­bath

  • From the Publisher
January 17, 2022

Ele­gant, pas­sion­ate, and filled with the love of God’s cre­ation, Abra­ham Joshua Hes­chel’s The Sab­bath has been hailed as a clas­sic of Jew­ish spir­i­tu­al­i­ty ever since its orig­i­nal pub­li­ca­tion-and has been read by thou­sands of peo­ple seek­ing mean­ing in mod­ern life. In this brief yet pro­found med­i­ta­tion on the mean­ing of the Sev­enth Day, Hes­chel intro­duced the idea of an archi­tec­ture of holi­ness” that appears not in space but in time Judaism, he argues, is a reli­gion of time: it finds mean­ing not in space and the mate­r­i­al things that fill it but in time and the eter­ni­ty that imbues it, so that the Sab­baths are our great cathe­drals.” Fea­tur­ing black-and-white illus­tra­tions by Ilya Schor

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