
Was Elvis Jewish?

Paulette Coop­er
  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Was Elvis Jew­ish packs six­teen chap­ters with short, inter­est­ing entries about Jew­ish-themed movies, shows, tele­vi­sion pro­grams, come­di­ans, celebri­ties, his­to­ry, roy­al­ty, pol­i­tics, tra­di­tion, kosher food and wine, sports, hol­i­days and holy days, pets, dat­ing, prej­u­dice, boy­cotts, Hebrew, Yid­dish, Israeli inno­va­tions, Israeli life, Israeli inven­tions, and more. Writ­ten with a light and humor­ous slant, Was Elvis Jew­ish? Aims to enter­tain and edu­cate read­ers of all ages while daz­zling them with all the won­der­ful things the Jew­ish peo­ple have done.

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