
White School­days: Com­ing of Age in Apartheid South Africa

  • From the Publisher
May 20, 2015

With its strong Jew­ish con­tent, the book pro­vides a touch­ing and insight­ful pic­ture of life in the South Africa of the 40s and 50s. The author, a white Jew­ish South African, enjoyed a care­free and sun-filled exis­tence amid the stark injus­tice of the Apartheid era. It became impos­si­ble, how­ev­er, to ignore the vio­lence, dis­crim­i­na­tion, and polit­i­cal upheaval around her. The book is Ben­nie’s poignant reflec­tion of a life gone by and the stark real­i­ties under­ly­ing it.

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