
Wit­ness: Pass­ing the Torch of Holo­caust Mem­o­ry to New Generations

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

For 25 years, the March of the Liv­ing has orga­nized vis­its for adults and stu­dents from all over the world to Poland, where mil­lions of Jews were enslaved and mur­dered dur­ing WWII by Nazi Ger­many. The orga­ni­za­tion’s goal is not only remem­brance and ongo­ing wit­ness to the ter­ri­ble events of the past but also a way of look­ing for­ward. It wants to inspire par­tic­i­pants to build a world free of oppres­sion and intol­er­ance into a world of free­dom, democ­ra­cy, and jus­tice for all mem­bers of the human fam­i­ly. Root­ed in a tour­ing exhib­it launched at the Unit­ed Nations, this book is a com­pi­la­tion of pho­tographs and texts that give first­hand accounts from the sur­vivors who have par­tic­i­pat­ed in March of the Liv­ing pro­grams, togeth­er with reac­tion and respons­es from the peo­ple — young stu­dents in par­tic­u­lar — of many faiths and cul­tures who have trav­eled with the group over the years. I tell my sto­ry for the pur­pose of improv­ing human­i­ty, drop by drop by drop,” says Holo­caust sur­vivor and March of the Liv­ing par­tic­i­pant Pin­chas Gut­ter. At a recent memo­r­i­al event, Pres­i­dent Barak Oba­ma defined the pur­pose of Holo­caust remem­brance by prais­ing Gut­ter’s words: Those are the words of one sur­vivor… per­form­ing the sacred duty of mem­o­ry that will echo through­out eter­ni­ty. Those are good words for all of us to live by.”

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