
Shosha: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
November 26, 2012

Shosha is a haunt­ing­ly lyri­cal love sto­ry set in Jew­ish War­saw on the eve of its anni­hi­la­tion. Aaron Grei­dinger, an aspir­ing Yid­dish writer and the son of a dis­tin­guished Hasidic rab­bi, strug­gles to be true to his art when faced with the chance at rich­es and a pass­port to Amer­i­ca. But as he and the rest of the Writ­ers’ Club wait in hor­ror for Nazi Ger­many to invade Poland, Aaron redis­cov­ers Shosha, his child­hood love-still liv­ing on Krochmal­na Street, still mys­te­ri­ous­ly child­like her­self-who has been wait­ing for him all these years.

In Singer’s own words, this is a sto­ry of a few unique char­ac­ters in unique cir­cum­stances” set against the back­ground of 1930’s Warsaw.

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