
Jew­ish Book Coun­cil Media Kit 

Adver­tise in print and online with the longest-run­ning non­prof­it in the Amer­i­can Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty whose sole pur­pose is the pro­mo­tion of Jew­ish-inter­est books. All adver­tis­ing pro­ceeds sup­port Jew­ish Book Coun­cil pro­grams. We reserve the right to refuse adver­tise­ments at our discretion.


Jew­ish Book Coun­cil is the longest-run­n­ing orga­ni­za­tion devot­ed exclu­sive­ly to the sup­port and cel­e­bra­tion of Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture. Through an ever-grow­ing list of projects and pro­grams, Jew­ish Book Coun­cil serves as a cat­a­lyst for the writ­ing, pub­li­ca­tion, dis­tri­b­u­tion, read­ing, and pub­lic aware­ness of books that reflect the rich vari­ety of the Jew­ish experience.

Jew­ish Book Coun­cil is the chief pro­po­nent of the Eng­lish-lan­guage Jew­ish lit­er­ary tra­di­tion, and the main address for infor­ma­tion on the North Amer­i­can Jew­ish lit­er­ary scene.

Adver­tis­ing in Jew­ish Book Council’s print lit­er­ary jour­nal, on the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil web­site, or through Jew­ish Book Council’s week­ly emails, ensures that your mes­sage reach­es the exact com­mu­ni­ty you need to inform. In any giv­en week, Jew­ish Book Coun­cil reach­es approx­i­mate­ly 70,000 read­ers across our plat­forms. First time adver­tis­ers pay up front.

As the lit­er­ary arm of the orga­nized Amer­i­can Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty, Jew­ish Book Council’s pres­ence is felt in:

  • the pub­lish­ing industry
  • the Jew­ish pro­fes­sion­al community
  • Jew­ish Federations
  • Jew­ish Com­mu­ni­ty Centers
  • syn­a­gogues
  • libraries
  • homes in North Amer­i­ca and across the globe

Print/​Digital: Paper Brigade adver­tise­ment (with com­pli­men­ta­ry ban­ner ad)

Jew­ish Book Council’s annu­al lit­er­ary jour­nal, Paper Brigade, fea­tures in-depth arti­cles, per­son­al essays, inter­views, visu­al arts spreads, illus­tra­tions, and more. Each issue pro­vides a snap­shot of the cur­rent Jew­ish lit­er­ary land­scape while also reflect­ing on the his­to­ry of Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture in Amer­i­ca and abroad.

Every Paper Brigade adver­tise­ment comes with a com­pli­men­ta­ry ban­ner adver­tise­ment in a week­ly email, allow­ing adver­tis­ers to reach both print and dig­i­tal audiences. 

Reser­va­tions are now being accept­ed for the 2025 issue of Paper Brigade, which will be pub­lished in fall 2024. Reservations/​payment must be received by August 9, 2024 and final ads are due by August 23, 2024. Paper Brigade ads are non-refund­able. Pur­chase a Paper Brigade adver­tise­ment ($600). Adver­tis­ers receive one com­pli­men­ta­ry copy of Paper Brigade

*Reserve a Paper Brigade adver­tise­ment togeth­er with an Annu­al Jew­ish Book Club Guide ad and save $100

Rates: $600


  • Paper Brigade ads are full-page and in col­or. They should be for­mat­ted to fit a 6.75 by 9.5 inch page, with a 0.25 inch bleed, and 300 DPI.
  • Ban­ner ads are 750 (width) by 200 (height) pix­el sta­t­ic, unan­i­mat­ed. Accept­able file for­mats are gif, jpeg, and png. Max­i­mum file size is 100 KB. Images should be opti­mized for the web with a res­o­lu­tion of 72 DPI. Any image should be saved in RGB mode. 

Con­tact: Bec­ca Kan­tor, becca@​jewishbooks.​org

Dig­i­tal: Jew​ish​book​coun​cil​.org

Jew­ish Book Council’s web­site offers var­i­ous ways to reach your audi­ence. From prime home­page place­ment, to tar­get­ed place­ment on var­i­ous pages through­out the web­site, the JBC web­site is an easy way to quick­ly reach your audience.

Con­tact: David Kelsey, david@​kelseymedia.​com

Dig­i­tal: Week­ly newsletter

Adver­tis­ing through JBC’s week­ly emails allows you to reach our ever-grow­ing 30,000+ sub­scribers inter­est­ed in new Jew­ish-inter­est books, pro­grams, and events. You can choose to adver­tise with a ban­ner ad, includ­ed along with our reg­u­lar email con­tent, or through a ded­i­cat­ed email. JBC’s edi­to­r­i­al and mar­ket­ing teams make the final deci­sion on all adver­tis­ing con­tent (images and lan­guage) to ensure it aligns with our mis­sion state­ment and com­mu­ni­ty val­ues. Art must be sub­mit­ted ten days pri­or to ad run time.

Rates: $375 for a ban­ner ad

$1,200 for a ded­i­cat­ed e‑blast

Specs: Ban­ner ads must be 750 (w) x 200 (h) pix­els. E‑blasts must be 600600 pix­els. Accept­able file for­mats are gif, jpeg, and png. Max­i­mum file size is 100 KB.

All images should be opti­mized for the web with a res­o­lu­tion of 72 dpi and should be saved in RGB mode. Sam­ples avail­able upon request.

Con­tact: Simona Zaret­sky, simona@​jewishbooks.​org

Dig­i­tal: Annu­al Jew­ish Book Club Guide

Make your book stand out with an adver­tise­ment in the Annu­al Jew­ish Book Club Guide.

Each year JBC releas­es a dig­i­tal guide with rec­om­men­da­tions for fic­tion and non­fic­tion titles along with dis­cus­sion ques­tions for each book. The guide is con­sult­ed by thou­sands of book clubs and indi­vid­ual read­ers. Adver­tise­ments must be reserved by August 92024. Ad copy must be received (as a PDF) and paid for by August 23, 2024. Pur­chase an ad in the Annu­al Jew­ish Book Club Guide here ($600).

*Reserve an ad in Paper Brigade and the Annu­al Jew­ish Book Club Guide and save $100. Pur­chase these ads togeth­er ($1,100).

Rates: $600 for a full page ad

Specs: 7.5 inch­es by 10 inch­es, full col­or, 300 dpi

Con­tact: Miri Pomer­antz Dauber, miri@​jewishbooks.​org

Dig­i­tal: 74th Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards Cel­e­bra­tion Pro­gram Book

Do you want to wish your fam­i­ly mem­ber, friend, or col­league a con­grat­u­la­tions on their 74th Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award win? Pur­chase an ad in the dig­i­tal pro­gram book for the cel­e­bra­tion! To pur­chase an ad, click here and email Evie at evie@​jewishbooks.​org

Rates: $250

Specs: 6 inch­es by 8 inch­es, 300 DPI, include 1/4 inch bleed, full color

Dig­i­tal: JBC Net­work Authors on Tour Book

Mar­ket your book to over 350 Jew­ish pro­gram­ming pro­fes­sion­als from JCCs, Fed­er­a­tions, syn­a­gogues, youth groups, col­lege cam­pus­es, nation­al Jew­ish orga­ni­za­tions, and all major Amer­i­can Jew­ish book fairs in North Amer­i­ca by includ­ing your work in this pro­gram book. The Authors on Tour Book is dis­trib­uted to JBC Net­work sites and par­tic­i­pants as part of their mem­ber­ship fees. To pur­chase an ad con­tact arielle@​jewishbooks.​org

Rates: Full page $250
Half page $200

Specs: Full Page: 8.5 (h) by 5.25 (w) inch­es
Half Page: 4.25 (h) by 5.25 (w) inch­es
For­mat: Grayscale, 300 dpi

Con­tact: arielle@​jewishbooks.​org

Spe­cial Options

Jew­ish Book Coun­cil offers addi­tion­al adver­tis­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, as well as pack­ages that com­bine adver­tis­ing for spe­cial prices.

For more infor­ma­tion on adver­tis­ing bun­dles or more detailed infor­ma­tion about the below oppor­tu­ni­ties, please con­tact Simona Zaret­sky at simona@​jewishbooks.​org. These oppor­tu­ni­ties are sub­ject to lim­it­ed availability.

Addi­tion­al Adver­tis­ing Oppor­tu­ni­ties Include:

  • Con­tribut­ing con­fer­ence bags or mate­ri­als to the annu­al JBC Net­work Con­fer­ence or an annu­al writ­ers’ seminars
  • Mar­ket­ing your book through an engag­ing and thought­ful spon­sored dis­cus­sion guide; guides often include his­tor­i­cal con­text, orig­i­nal recipes, exclu­sive author con­tent, and more! (See past guides here.) Dis­cus­sion guides will be post­ed on JBC’s web­site and across JBC’s social media. To inquire, or to learn more about spon­sored dis­cus­sion guides, fill out this form. After com­plet­ing an inquiry, you will be con­tact­ed by JBC to dis­cuss the read­ing guide options based on avail­abil­i­ty. Pack­ages range in price from $1,000 to $2,500.
  • Spon­sor­ing a give­away at the annu­al Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards gala
  • Con­tribut­ing spon­sored con­tent for the website