
The Last Sum­mer at Chelsea Beach

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

Young Adelia Mon­te­forte begins the sum­mer of 1941 aboard a crowd­ed ship bound for Amer­i­ca, utter­ly alone but free of Fas­cist and anti-Jew­ish Italy. Whisked away to the sea­side by her aunt and uncle, Addie slow­ly adapts to her new life. She meets the bois­ter­ous Irish Catholic boys next door, and although she adores all four Con­nal­ly broth­ers, it’s the eldest, Char­lie, she pines for. But all hopes for a future togeth­er are destoyed by the war and a tragedy that hits much clos­er to home.

To dis­tance her­self from grief, Addie flees — first to Wash­ing­ton and then Lon­don, where the bombs still scream down on the city at night — and finds a posi­tion at a pres­ti­gious news­pa­per, a pur­pose, and a voice, per­haps even a chance to redeem lost time, lost fam­i­ly, and lost love. But the past, nev­er far behind, nips at her heels, demand­ing to be reck­oned with. In a final, fate­ful choice Addie dis­cov­ers that the way home may be a path she nev­er suspected.

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