
The Trans­for­ma­tive Daf: Trac­tate Megillah

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Bring­ing the Tal­mud to life: This book makes the wis­dom of our Sages acces­si­ble, mean­ing­ful, and inspi­ra­tional to all, irre­spec­tive of back­ground or pri­or knowl­edge. Designed to com­ple­ment the inter­na­tion­al Daf Yomi study sched­ule, the book caters to those who have been learn­ing Daf Yomi for years and are look­ing for inspi­ra­tion and mean­ing for their lives, as well as those who sim­ply would like a peek inside the Tal­mud and a beginner’s entry point to join the glob­al Daf Yomi movement.

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