
With­out Jenny

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

Joy Rosen­berg thinks she’s the luck­i­est per­son in the world, with sat­is­fy­ing work, a pas­sion­ate mar­riage, an excel­lent bicy­cle and two great kids. But when ten-year-old Jen­ny is killed, Joy’s life is destroyed. Tor­tured by visions of the acci­dent and twist­ed by guilt, she feels doomed to a life of unremit­ting dark­ness. Judaism and her Rab­bi hold her, but her ongo­ing dia­log with God and Torah is painful and frus­trat­ing; she strug­gles to live a life of pur­pose and com­pas­sion while grief is tear­ing it apart. Can she for­give her­self and learn to love again, or will she lose her hus­band and son for­ev­er? An emo­tion­al sto­ry told in hon­est and haunt­ing detail, With­out Jen­ny is an inti­mate por­trait of a lov­ing mar­riage stretched to the break­ing point by the unspeakable.

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