
Mind­ful Is the New Skin­ny: 10 Trans­fo­ma­tion­al Steps to a Lighter You Inside and Out

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Are you fed up with feel­ing stressed and stretched thin — yet nev­er skin­ny” enough to be hap­py? Are you burned out on diets, over­whelmed at work, or drown­ing in fam­i­ly oblig­a­tions? Mind­ful Is the New Skin­ny is for any woman who strug­gles with numer­ous demands and unre­al­is­tic expec­ta­tions of a per­fect body and a per­fect life. Writ­ten by a Jew­ish psy­chother­a­pist and holis­tic health coach who’s been in your shoes, the author offers a sane and sus­tain­able approach to end­ing the love-hate rela­tion­ship with food and your­self — once and for all. In clear fun and relat­able lan­guage, Jodi gen­tly guides you into a mind­ful­ness prac­tice as you dis­cov­er the OM in ShalOM, by shar­ing her best tips, tools, and tech­niques. She reveals how to change your mind­set, com­bat stress, and lose your emo­tion­al weight so you can look and feel your best inside and out. 

With hard-won wis­dom that life is less about to do”-ing and more about be”-ing, the author will have you lov­ing life, your body, and your­self like nev­er before.

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