
Every­day Heal­ing: Stand Up, Take Charge and Get Your Health Back … One Day at a Time

  • From the Publisher
May 20, 2015

Every­day Heal­ing gives read­ers dai­ly action steps to break out of old habits and find new paths to health. It pro­vides prac­ti­cal guid­ance for peo­ple fac­ing ill­ness, injury, or oth­er health chal­lenges to pre­pare their heart, home, rou­tines, and rela­tion­ships to take on a major heal­ing effort. This guide uses Torah teach­ings along­side med­ical stud­ies, per­son­al sto­ries, orga­niz­ing prin­ci­ples, and mind­ful­ness prac­tices to inspire and moti­vate. Whether it’s a line from Psalms to illus­trate abun­dance or a Mus­sar teach­ing to help grap­ple with an uncer­tain future, Torah wis­dom is used to explore many of the book’s key prin­ci­ples. Read­ers will find tips to effec­tive­ly research and eval­u­ate new treat­ment options; tools to man­age tough emo­tions and cre­ate a fab­u­lous sup­port team; and orga­niz­ing skills to rou­tinize healthy eat­ing, sleep and exer­cise. By seam­less­ly weav­ing Torah per­spec­tives into a book on health and per­son­al growth, Every­day Heal­ing gives read­ers a pal­pa­ble expe­ri­ence of how Torah wis­dom can deeply impact their dai­ly lives.

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