
My Life in Post-Its: or, How I Got From There to Here

Mar­cia Weiss Posner
  • From the Publisher
February 25, 2014

My Life in Post-Its or, How I Got from There to Here by Dr. Mar­cia Weiss Pos­ner takes the read­er on a delight­ful stroll through her life. I rel­ished read­ing about Posner’s adven­tures with her fam­i­ly and friends, and learn­ing about her civic-mind­ed mitzvahs. 

Dr. Pos­ner is a doer,” much like her intre­pid pater­nal grand­moth­er, Regi­na Klein Weiss, who immi­grat­ed to the U.S. from Hun­gary and turned her prodi­gious sewing skills into a suc­cess­ful cus­tom dress­mak­ing busi­ness. Regi­na was the cen­ter of the fam­i­ly cir­cle and the main sup­port for her sev­en chil­dren. Her reli­gious hus­band, David, was asth­mat­ic and not busi­ness-ori­ent­ed. The fam­i­ly moved in search of health­i­er air for David to a farm near Lake­wood, New Jer­sey, and plucky Regi­na soon trans­formed her home into a small hotel with a restau­rant. Her kasha var­nishkes, chick­en paprikash, and deli­cious strudel became pop­u­lar favorites. 

This mem­oir epit­o­mizes Jew­ish inge­nu­ity and suc­cess. Posner’s cheer­ful prob­lem-solv­ing gus­to is ever-present and reflect­ed in her approach to life, includ­ing mov­ing their fam­i­ly from the Bronx to Queens and final­ly to Man­has­set Hills on Long Island. Along the way she gets a degree in library sci­ence, which she quick­ly puts to use as a librar­i­an at the Hill­side Library and lat­er as a part-time pro­fes­sor of library edu­ca­tion at Queens Col­lege. She also earns a library sci­ence doc­tor­ate at NYU. Through­out she remains a devot­ed wife and lov­ing moth­er to her children. 

Books and libraries are her endur­ing pas­sion. On Long Island she estab­lished a first-rate library at the new­ly con­struct­ed Shel­ter Rock Syn­a­gogue. She became the library con­sul­tant for the UJA Fed­er­a­tion and a dynamo at the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil. It was Pos­ner who served as a shatkin” and per­suad­ed Dr. Car­olyn Star­man Hes­sel, anoth­er Jew­ish book angel, to become more active­ly involved in the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil. Dr. Star­man Hes­sel took the posi­tion of direc­tor and trans­formed the JBC into a vibrant, and very impor­tant Jew­ish orga­ni­za­tion com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing Jew­ish writ­ers and lit­er­a­ture all over the world. This mag­a­zine is a pro­gram of Jew­ish Book Council. 

At her retire­ment in 1995 at the age of six­ty five, Pos­ner cre­at­ed an out­stand­ing memo­rial library at the new­ly-formed Holo­caust Memo­r­i­al and Tol­er­ance Cen­ter of Nas­sau. The Louis Pos­ner Holo­caust Memo­r­i­al Library is a remark­able col­lec­tion of Shoah mate­ri­als. It has over 8,000 books, art works, pho­tos, record­ings, films, and an extra­or­di­nary verti­cal file of pam­phlets, line draw­ings, maps, pho­tographs, and maps. Schol­ar-authors from all over the nation and young peo­ple from all over Long Island use mate­ri­als in the collec­tion. In addi­tion to the library, the Cen­ter has exhibits, teacher train­ing work­shops, confer­ences and poet­ry and essay con­tests for school chil­dren. Its work has ensured that thou­sands of chil­dren, edu­ca­tors and researchers do not for­get the enor­mi­ty of the tragedy of the Ho­locaust. In 1998 alone, over 12,000 stu­dents vis­it­ed the Cen­ter. Pos­ner’s fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry of the Cen­ter, enti­tled Zachor: Not Only To Remem­ber, which cap­tures the tes­ti­monies of sur­vivors, lib­er­a­tors and vol­un­teers who make the Cen­ter so successful. 

Pos­ner’s new mem­oir is filled with love. The book will bring smiles to your face and a sense of admi­ra­tion for Dr. Mar­cia W. Posner’s verve, endear­ing sense of humor, kind­li­ness, and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Her mem­oir is also an illu­mi­nat­ing piece of social his­to­ry of Jew­ish life in twen­ti­eth- and twen­ti­eth-first cen­tu­ry Amer­i­ca. Glossary.

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