
Shab­bos, Shab­bos I Love You!

Nao­mi Lieber­man; Avram Zmo­ra, illus.
  • Review
By – June 6, 2014

Play­ful rhymes intro­duce the young read­er to beau­ti­ful feel­ings about Shab­bat and its obser­vance. The pro­tag­o­nists, a broth­er and sis­ter, men­tion every­thing they love about Shab­bat, from can­dles, to kid­dush, to favorite foods, to kiss­ing the Torah in shul, to Hav­dalah. The text begins: Shab­bos, Shab­bos, I love you, You’re such a spe­cial day. And every week when you arrive, I wish that you would stay!” The par­ents are lov­ing and engaged with the chil­dren through­out. Live­ly and col­or­ful child-friend­ly illus­tra­tions man­i­fest the enjoy­ment and plea­sure the chil­dren derive from their Shab­bat expe­ri­ence. Lam­i­nat­ed pages make it com­fort­able for young hands not to wor­ry about ruin­ing the book. A glos­sary of Hebrew and Yid­dish words used in the text pre­cedes the sto­ry. The chil­dren and their par­ents dress in ultra-Ortho­dox dress and observe the Sab­bath fully.

Rec­om­mend­ed for chil­dren ages 2 – 5 and good for use in a Jew­ish preschool.

Shelly Feit has an M.L.S. and a Sixth-year Spe­cial­ist’s Cer­tifi­cate in infor­ma­tion sci­ence. She is the library direc­tor and media spe­cial­ist at the Mori­ah School in Engle­wood, NJ.

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