
Thank You G‑d For Mak­ing Me a Woman

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

The Torah believes in the poten­tial and capa­bil­i­ties of every man woman or child Jew and gen­tile alike and clear­ly believes that men and women were cre­at­ed equal and with their own dis­tinct respect­ed role in the world. Where would the Jew­ish peo­ple be with­out the dis­cern­ment and wis­dom of Jew­ish women — qual­i­ties they pos­sess far in excess of men? Time and again holy text and real-life expe­ri­ence prove this. This book aims to show that it is a mis­tak­en belief that Judaism val­ues the male con­tri­bu­tion to its dai­ly litur­gy and life more than the female. In a clear and com­pas­sion­ate style it lays out tra­di­tion­al obser­vance and new schol­ar­ship with sim­ple lan­guage. Ulti­mate­ly the Jew­ish wom­an’s role as ubiq­ui­tous force in dai­ly life becomes clear: her pow­er is sub­tle mys­ti­cal trans­for­ma­tive. Her role isn’t mar­gin­al it’s essen­tial. Mys­ti­cal teach­ings tell us that women were grant­ed under­stand­ing (bina) in greater mea­sure and there­fore only they can trans­form a con­cept of wis­dom (chochmah) into action (daat). Hence we might extrap­o­late that no holy thing can come about if in some way a wom­an’s wis­dom is not behind it. Dis­cern­ment is a female qual­i­ty; and it’s time we under­stood and acknowl­edged its pres­ence in dai­ly Jew­ish life.

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