
The Jew­ish Princess Feasts & Festivals

Georgie Tarn and Tracey Fine
  • Review
By – October 26, 2011

The well-dressed cooks from Eng­land are back! In a tasty fol­low-up to Georgie Tarn and Tracey Fine’s The Jew­ish Princess Cook­book arrives The Jew­ish Princess Feasts and Fes­ti­vals. While uncom­pli­cat­ed, their recipes, like Mar­malade Chick­en and Noo Pota­toes — small pota­toes roast­ed along­side col­or­ful veg­eta­bles — are deli­cious and look beau­ti­ful: just what the social Jew­ish host­ess needs. Recipes are divid­ed into hol­i­day, life­cy­cle event, and gen­er­al din­ner par­ty menus. Two stand­outs are chal­lah-based dough­nuts for Hanukkah and bar mitz­vah-appro­pri­ate egg­plant paté. Sprin­kled through­out the book, in com­ple­ment to the menus, are wit­ty sto­ries about the tri­als and tribu­la­tions of a Jew­ish princess; the Passover sec­tion opens with the sto­ry of a woman who labors over a fam­i­ly Seder, but when every­one prays for next year in Jerusalem, her wish is to spend it at a resort in Eilat! Bra­vo to Fine and Tarn for pro­vid­ing us with a hefty dose of Jew­ish humor and sim­ple, appe­tiz­ing recipes with which to wow our friends and families.


Hanukkah Cheaters’ Doughnuts

Makes approx­i­mate­ly 34

1 large chal­lah, crusts removed and bro­ken into small pieces
2 extra-large eggs
2 cups unsweet­ened soy milk
1 tea­spoon bak­ing pow­der
veg­etable oil for fry­ing

Mix all the ingre­di­ents, except the oil and sug­ar, in a large bowl.
Once the liq­uid has been absorbed by the chal­lah, blend the mix­ture with an immer­sion blender until smooth.
Heat the veg­etable oil in a wok.
Drop table­spoons of the mix­ture into the oil and fry the dough­nuts until gold­en on both sides.
Remove with a slot­ted spoon and place on paper tow­els to absorb any excess oil.
Roll the dough­nuts in sug­ar while they are still warm.
A fan­tas­tic alter­na­tive to dough­nuts that can be served any time, even for dessert — with fruit on the side just to make them seem a lit­tle healthier!

The Jew­ish Princess Feasts & Fes­ti­vals ©2009 by Georgie Tarn & Tracey Fine. Used with per­mis­sion from Ster­ling Pub­lish­ing Co., Inc.

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