
ABC Ani­mals

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

Explore this enchant­i­ng Eng­lish & Hebrew ani­mal alpha­bet book! From left to right, young book lovers dis­cov­er their favorite ani­mals from A to Z. And from right to left, they redis­cov­er those ani­mals from aleph to tav. A native of Baton Rouge, Nate, a young author & illus­tra­tor with autism, has always had a pas­sion for the alpha­bet, ani­mals, & art. After illus­trat­ing dozens of one-of-a-kind per­son­al­ized ani­mal alpha­bet books for baby gifts for fam­i­ly & friends, Nate decid­ed that his first mass pro­duced book should be this beau­ti­ful­ly book ABC Ani­mals. Nate has placed each of his col­or pen­cil drawn ani­mals, with its whim­si­cal and endear­ing per­son­al­i­ty, into its very own charm­ing water­col­or habitat.

Fore­word by Dvo­rah Telushkin and Rab­bi Joseph Telushkin.

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