
Angels in Amer­i­ca: A Gay Fan­ta­sia on Nation­al Themes

Tony Kush­n­er
  • From the Publisher
October 11, 2011

Set in late 1985 and ear­ly 1986, as the first wave of the AIDS epi­dem­ic in Amer­i­ca is esca­lat­ing and Ronald Rea­gan has been elect­ed to a sec­ond term in the White House, this Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-win­ning play’s two parts, Mil­len­ni­um Approach­es and Per­e­stroi­ka, bring togeth­er a young gay man with AIDS and his fright­ened, unfaith­ful lover; and a steel-winged, prophe­cy-bear­ing angel; as well as the ghost of Ethel Rosen­berg, an ancient rab­bi, the world’s old­est liv­ing Bol­she­vik and a Rea­gan admin­is­tra­tion func­tionary, among many oth­ers. The lives of these dis­parate char­ac­ters inter­sect, inter­twine, col­lide and are blown apart dur­ing a time of heart­break, reac­tion and trans­for­ma­tion. Rang­ing from earth to heav­en, from the polit­i­cal to the inti­mate to the vision­ary and super­nat­ur­al, Angels in Amer­i­ca is an epic explo­ration of love, jus­tice, iden­ti­ty and the­ol­o­gy, of the dif­fi­cul­ty, ter­ror and neces­si­ty of change.

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