
Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Rais­ing Con­fi­dent, Lov­ing Chil­dren the Attach­ment Par­ent­ing Way

May­im Bia­lik; Jay Gor­don, intro.
  • Review
By – April 11, 2012

May­im Bia­lik does a great ser­vice to those of us unfa­mil­iar with or uncom­fort­able with Attach­ment Par­ent­ing. In her book, Beyond the Sling: A Real Life Guide to Rais­ing Con­fi­dent, Lov­ing Chil­dren the Attach­ment Par­ent­ing Way, Bia­lik grace­ful­ly com­bines her own expe­ri­ences with her research as both a PhD of neu­ro­science and as a par­ent. Her hon­est, per­son­al, and detailed account of her rela­tion­ship to her boys wel­comes the read­er into a par­ent­ing style that can some­times feel over­whelm­ing. As a par­ent of two young chil­dren, I spent the major­i­ty of the book feel­ing inspired to be a lit­tle more attach­ment’ par­ent and a lit­tle less sched­ule ori­ent­ed’ par­ent. To nurse my daugh­ter because she seems to want to, even though her sched­ule does not dic­tate a time to eat; to spend an extra few min­utes with my son as he strug­gles to fall asleep at night, even though our rou­tine does not allow for it. And while I strug­gled with cer­tain com­po­nents of the phi­los­o­phy (I am not con­vinced that a dis­cus­sion and a hug is enough to con­quer the tem­per tantrums in my house), it is a valu­able read for new or expec­tant parents.

Aman­da Pogany is an edu­ca­tor, con­sul­tant, men­tor and coach. She is a trained facil­i­ta­tor through the Cen­ter for Lead­er­ship Ini­tia­tives. Past clients include The Covenant Foun­da­tion, Mechon Hadar, JDub Records, The Six Points Fel­low­ship and a num­ber of Fed­er­a­tions. She is cur­rent­ly the Asso­ciate Direc­tor of the Pardes Edu­ca­tors Alum­ni Sup­port Project. She taught mid­dle school Juda­ic stud­ies for 7 years. A trained men­tor through the Jew­ish New Teacher Project, Aman­da men­tored for the David­son School at JTS, the Pardes Edu­ca­tors pro­gram, and the Solomon Schechter School of Man­hat­tan. Aman­da is a grad­u­ate of the Pardes Edu­ca­tors Pro­gram, has a Mas­ters in Jew­ish Edu­ca­tion from Hebrew Uni­ver­si­ty and a BA from Barnard Col­lege. She is co-founder of Alt­shul, an inde­pen­dent egal­i­tar­i­an minyan in Brook­lyn, where she lives with her hus­band Aaron Bis­man and their two chil­dren, Ash­er and Maisie.

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