
Big Small or Just One Wall

Leibel Fajn­land; Tova Leff, illus.
  • Review
By – November 7, 2011
A shul fair comes to town, and the chil­dren of the town dis­cov­er what makes dif­fer­ent shuls unique and what each shul has in com­mon with all oth­ers around the world. The book teach­es read­ers that a shul is always spe­cial. The illus­tra­tions are done in air­brush; they cov­er the whole page and are very col­or­ful. The back of the book includes pho­tographs of the fif­teen shuls and asks read­ers can find these shuls in the illus­trat­ed pic­tures in the book. Leibel Fajn­land is a rab­bi and has writ­ten one oth­er children’s book. This book was writ­ten pri­mar­i­ly for the Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ty, but it has some­thing to say to every Jew­ish child. Rec­om­mend­ed for ages 4 – 8.
Bar­bara Sil­ver­man had an M.L.S. from Texas Woman’s Uni­ver­si­ty. She worked as a children’s librar­i­an at the Cor­pus Christi Pub­lic Libraries and at the Cor­pus Christi ISD before retir­ing. She worked as a vol­un­teer at the Astor Juda­ic Library of the Lawrence Fam­i­ly JCC in La Jol­la, CA. Sad­ly, Bar­bara passed away is 2012.

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