
Break­ing Ground: Adven­tures in Life and Architecture

Daniel Libe­skind
  • Review
By – September 24, 2012

Break­ing Ground shows us the inner work­ings of one of the most cre­ative archi­tects of our era. 

Born in post-war Poland to sur­vivor par­ents, Daniel Libe­skind made his way first to Israel and then to New York City in 1959. His book mesh­es auto­bi­og­ra­phy and social/​philosophical trea­tise. Libe­skind wants to explain to us who he is so that we can under­stand how he views life and death, cat­a­stro­phe and destruc­tion, cre­ation, rebirth and mem­o­ry. After that, we can under­stand how he fash­ions his designs.

Mic­ah D. Halpern is a colum­nist and a social and polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor. He is the author of What You Need To Know About: Ter­ror, and main­tains The Mic­ah Report at www​.mic​ah​halpern​.com.

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