
Dear Cary: My Life with Cary Grant

Dyan Can­non
  • From the Publisher
April 23, 2012
Cary Grant was the ulti­mate star, defin­ing Hol­ly­wood glam­our as well as cin­e­mat­ic achieve­ment. She was a bright new actress, beau­ti­ful and fun­ny, who would one day prove her tal­ent by being the first woman to receive Acad­e­my Award nom­i­na­tions for her work on-screen and behind the cam­era. On his arm, she found her­self trav­el­ing in the inner cir­cles of pow­er and glam­our in which Grant was king among the Hol­ly­wood roy­al­ty. Behind closed doors, she dis­cov­ered a Cary no one knew: a thought­ful, car­ing, and pri­vate per­son, with dark fam­i­ly secrets that weighed heav­i­ly on him.

With unpar­al­leled hon­esty, Dyan Can­non shares the heart­warm­ing and heart­break­ing sto­ry of her mag­i­cal romance and stormy mar­riage to screen leg­end Cary Grant. Fea­tur­ing rare pho­tographs and nev­er-before-seen let­ters and notes from Cary Grant, Dear Cary is told with poignan­cy and hard-won wis­dom, a sto­ry for any­one who has ever loved and lost. 

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