
Extra­Or­di­nary: An End of Life Sto­ry With­out End

Michele Tamaren and Michael Wittner
  • From the Publisher
April 20, 2012
Extra­Or­di­nary: An End of Life Sto­ry With­out End is a spir­i­tu­al mem­oir about the mir­a­cle of love and com­pas­sion, here and in the here­after. Her­man Liss, an Ortho­dox Jew described by his hos­pi­tal chap­lain as a tzad­dik, became a heal­er and a teacher in his 90’s. Extra­Or­di­nary por­trays Her­man’s life and eigh­teen-month pas­sage from loss and despair to con­nec­tion and joy. One week after los­ing his beloved wife Bet­ty, Her­man suf­fered a seri­ous stroke. From hos­pi­tal to reha­bil­i­ta­tion cen­ter to nurs­ing home to hos­pice, Her­man taught by exam­ple how to love, how to lis­ten, how to for­give, how to care. Rather than a tragedy, this is a true-life tale of growth and learn­ing: a join­ing of gen­er­a­tions and cul­tures and faiths. Along the way a teenage boy, Her­man’s fam­i­ly and friends, and his care­givers learned that it is one’s own heart that makes the ordi­nary extra­or­di­nary. The authors are Michele Tamaren, Her­man’s daugh­ter not by blood but by bless­ing, and his young vol­un­teer, Michael Wit­tner, who with his father cre­at­ed the award-win­ning doc­u­men­tary about Her­man, A Men­sch and More. Extra­Or­di­nary and the film shine with Her­man Lis­s’s radi­ance: a bea­con lit with heart and hope and heal­ing.


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