
Fake: A novel

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Emma Caan is a Fake.

She’s a forg­er, an artist who spe­cial­izes in nine­teenth-cen­tu­ry paint­ings. But she isn’t a crim­i­nal; her copies are com­mis­sioned by muse­ums and ultra-wealthy col­lec­tors pro­tect­ing their invest­ments but her work is some­times a painful reminder of the artis­tic dreams she once chased for her­self, when she was younger and before her world fell apart.

When oli­garch art col­lec­tor Leonard Sobet­sky appears with an invi­ta­tion, Emma sees a way out — a new path for her­self, and access to the kind of mon­ey she needs to sup­port her recent­ly wid­owed mother.

But every invi­ta­tion incurs an oblig­a­tion and Emma isn’t pre­pared for what’s to come. As she’s pulled fur­ther into Leonard’s opu­lent scene, she will dis­cov­er what’s lurk­ing beneath the glitz and glam­our. When she does, the past she’s worked hard to over­come will col­lide with the present, mak­ing her won­der how much of her care­ful­ly curat­ed life is just as fake as her forgeries.

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