
From Scratch: Inside the Tumul­tuous Bil­lion-Dol­lar World of the Food Network

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
Big per­son­al­i­ties, high dra­ma — the extra­or­di­nary behind-the-scenes sto­ry of the Food Net­work, the busi­ness, media, and cul­tur­al jug­ger­naut that changed the way Amer­i­ca thinks about food. Based upon exten­sive inside access, doc­u­ments, and inter­views with hun­dreds of exec­u­tives, stars, and employ­ees all up and down the lad­der, Allen Salk­in’s book is an exhil­a­rat­ing roller­coast­er ride from chaos to con­quest. Salkin, a Jew­ish writer, illu­mi­nates the peo­ple we thought we knew, and the ones we nev­er knew about, includ­ing Includes many Jew­ish per­son­al­i­ties — the Bare­foot Con­tes­sa among them as well as the found­ing pres­i­dent Reese Schon­feld, and cru­cial ear­ly per­son­al­i­ty David Rosen­garten — in this irre­sistible sto­ry of the inter­sec­tion between busi­ness, tele­vi­sion, pop cul­ture, food — and us. From Scratch: Inside the Tumul­tuous Bil­lion-Dol­lar World of the Food Network

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