
Get­ting Wis­er: 101 Essen­tial Life Lessons and Inspir­ing Stories

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Get­ting Wis­er is a col­lec­tion of one-page essays of inspir­ing teach­ers, friends, and world-class ath­letes filled with diverse exam­ples of lives well-lived and encour­ag­ing sto­ries of how peo­ple have found cre­ative solu­tions to shape their own lives and the lives of others.

Michael S. Lewis, M.D.’s book dis­tills the life expe­ri­ence of some of the world’s leg­endary wise humans in a way that moti­vates all of us to cul­ti­vate and har­vest our wis­dom for the com­mon good.” — Chip Con­ley, NY Times best­selling author and founder and CEO of the Mod­ern Elder Academy

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