
Gone to Dust

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

A rare mur­der in a tran­quil sub­ur­ban neigh­bor­hood in the dead of winter…the body and house lit­tered with dirt from hun­dreds of emp­tied vac­u­um clean­er bags…A con­flict­ed Jew­ish Pri­vate Inves­ti­ga­tor named after a Swede who retains his sar­don­ic wit while in search of a very sophis­ti­cat­ed killer. It’s all deft­ly there in GONE TO DUST, the page-turn­ing first mur­der mys­tery nov­el from Emmy award-win­ning TV writer and pro­duc­er, Matt Gold­man. Gold­man, whose tele­vi­sion cred­its include Sein­feld, the Ellen series, and more, uses his tal­ents for sto­ry­telling, char­ac­ter-build­ing, and dia­logue to cre­ate a mem­o­rable, irrev­er­ent PI named Nils Shapiro who explores the cold win­ter land­scape of Min­neso­ta to solve a twist­ed tale in a sleepy, well-off suburb.

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