
Hap­py Hanukkah, Corduroy

Don Free­man; Lisa McCue, illus.
  • From the Publisher
October 10, 2011
The much beloved child­hood char­ac­ter, Cor­duroy, remains a charm­ing though not infor­ma­tive char­ac­ter in Hap­py Hanukkah, Cor­duroy. More infor­ma­tion about the hol­i­day is omit­ted or skimmed over than is includ­ed. The illus­tra­tions are bright and appeal­ing. The type is crisp and clear on plain non-com­pet­ing back­grounds. This is a book that an emerg­ing read­er would not be fear­ful of tack­ling. The hard card­board book makes it almost tod­dler proof. This read­er expect­ed a more inclu­sive retelling of the Hanukkah sto­ry. The sto­ry hint­ed to me of Christ­mas rather than the Fes­ti­val of Lights. The impres­sion giv­en was that Hanukkah is a one day cel­e­bra­tion rather than one of eight days. Nor does it men­tion the rea­son for the hol­i­day. It should be not­ed that this book is not cred­it­ed to the author­ship of Don Free­man, the cre­ator of Cor­duroy, but rather is based on a char­ac­ter cre­at­ed by Don Free­man.” Pre-school.

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