
Her­shel and the Hanukkah Goblins

Eric Kim­mel
  • From the Publisher
October 22, 2013
On the eve of the first night of Chanukah, leg­endary joke­ster Her­shel of Ostropol reach­es a dark­ened vil­lage where gob­lins plague the vil­lagers like the Grinch on Whoville. Every­one knows that gob­lins abhor light and mer­ri­ment, (just ask Cur­die,) but instead of retreat­ing to caves in the moun­tains, these beast­ly crea­tures have set­tled in the vil­lage syn­a­gogue and snuffed out Chanukah through­out the town. Ever the unlike­ly hero, Her­shel resolves to stay in the haunt­ed syn­a­gogue, cel­e­brat­ing the hol­i­day and out­wit­ting the increas­ing­ly fear­some gob­lins night after night — but can he save Chanukah once and for all?

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