
Heymis­ch­er Home­opa­thy: The Schmen­drick­’s Guide to Rem­e­dy­ing Yid­dish Kvetches

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

Heymis­ch­er Home­opa­thy is an intro­duc­tion to clas­si­cal home­opa­thy dis­guised as a hilar­i­ous enter­tain­ment. Yid­dish is col­or­ful, exu­ber­ant and fun, so its expres­sions make mem­o­rable home­o­path­ic sign­posts, rubrics! Packed with car­toons, anec­dotes, jokes, but also well researched med­ical infor­ma­tion this schmen­drick­’s” guide to rem­e­dy­ing kvetch­es is warm, fun­ny yet occa­sion­al­ly deep: a unique health care resource that is also an irre­sistible gift book offering.

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