
Ina’s Kitchen

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Ina Pinkney — the beloved restau­ra­teur known affec­tion­ate­ly as the Break­fast Queen — has been feed­ing peo­ple for over 30 years. When she closed her restau­ran­t’s doors in 2013, it head­lined news across the coun­try. Now, the favorite dish­es that thou­sands came to love at Ina’s are show­cased in her new book, Ina’s Kitchen: Taste Mem­o­ries and Recipes from the Break­fast Queen.

Ina’s Kitchen is part cook­book part mem­oir, col­lect­ing 39 of Ina’s favorite recipes with sto­ries from her life, such as her Jew­ish upbring­ing in Brook­lyn, over­com­ing par­a­lyt­ic polio as a child, the inter­mar­riage her par­ents dis­ap­proved of, and her mid-life choice to change careers and fol­low her dream. From mile­stone moments and warm mem­o­ries to the true tri­als of own­ing a restau­rant, read­ers will gain a deep­er under­stand­ing of Jew­ish cook­ing and hos­pi­tal­i­ty.

Ina’s Kitchen is a love let­ter to the din­ers Ina has fed over the years. In it, she shares her wis­dom with the same gen­eros­i­ty — both of food and of spir­it — that kept peo­ple com­ing back to her restau­rant for decades.

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