
Jew­Asian: Race, Reli­gion, and Iden­ti­ty for Amer­i­ca’s Newest Jews

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Jew­Asian is a qual­i­ta­tive exam­i­na­tion of the inter­sec­tion of race, reli­gion, and eth­nic­i­ty in the increas­ing num­ber of house­holds that are Jew­ish Amer­i­can and Asian Amer­i­can. Helen Kiy­ong Kim and Noah Samuel Leav­it­t’s book explores the larg­er social dimen­sions of inter­mar­riages to explain how these par­tic­u­lar unions reflect not only the iden­ti­ty of mar­ried indi­vid­u­als but also the com­mu­ni­ties to which they belong. Using in-depth inter­views with cou­ples and the chil­dren of Jew­ish Amer­i­can and Asian Amer­i­can mar­riages, Kim and Leav­it­t’s research sheds much-need­ed light on the every­day lives of these part­ner­ships and how their chil­dren nego­ti­ate their own iden­ti­ties in the twen­ty-first century.

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