
Keep Fight­ing, Stop Strug­gling: The Miles Levin Story

Miles and Jonathan Levin
  • From the Publisher
April 23, 2012

Meet­ing and get­ting to spend time with Miles Levin was a life chang­er for me as it was for thou­sands of oth­ers all over the world.….He has taught us what it means to live life with­out fear, but with joy.” —Bob Woodruff, TV jour­nal­ist wound­ed by an IED in Iraq.

A gift­ed but unfo­cused teenager’s life is rad­i­cal­ly trans­formed by the diag­no­sis of a dead­ly can­cer. Work­ing out his feel­ings on a blog, his charm, humor, spir­it, and wrench­ing hon­esty drew the atten­tion of tens of thou­sands of read­ers. While most of his days were chal­leng­ing, he shares with us the thrill of first love, the fun of prom night, and the car­ing and admi­ra­tion of his com­mu­ni­ty. Can­cer brought an end to his life, but he brought com­ple­tion to his life. And in so doing, he left us an endur­ing gift, there­by ful­fill­ing his great­est desire when he wrote: Dying is not what scares me, it’s dying hav­ing had no impact. 

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