
Kick Up Some Dust: Lessons on Think­ing Big, Giv­ing Back, and Doing it Yourself

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Do it your­self” has been the theme of Bernie Mar­cus’s entire life. By the time he was fif­teen, he had held more than a dozen jobs, joined a gang, and worked as a hyp­no­tist in the Catskills. The son of a cab­i­net­mak­er and gar­ment work­er, Bernie over­came a hard­scrab­ble upbring­ing to author one of the best entre­pre­neur­ial sto­ries in Amer­i­can history.

The same ener­gy that made Home Depot suc­cess­ful has helped Bernie give away more than $2 bil­lion and pio­neer a new mod­el for phil­an­thropy, trans­form­ing mil­lions of lives. There is no sin­gle, win­ning for­mu­la for try­ing to make the world a bet­ter place, but Bernie shares what he’s learned — that the skills need­ed to build a For­tune 500 com­pa­ny are the same ones that can help cure can­cer, treat vet­er­ans with PTSD, and trans­form autism treat­ment. And it does­n’t take a for­tune to make a big dif­fer­ence in your com­mu­ni­ty. Kick Up Some Dust will inspire you to dream, build, and give — and, maybe, change the world.

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