
Love Peace: Blue­prints for Last­ing Relationships

Her­shel Becker
  • From the Publisher
April 23, 2012
I love you – Good-bye! How many con­ver­sa­tions end with these words? Amidst the hor­ror and grief of the unprece­dent­ed trag­ic events on 9/11, Rab­bi Beck­er was inspired by a sim­ple real­i­ty. As their lives were com­ing to a close, peo­ple called home to spous­es, sib­lings, chil­dren, par­ents and friends to express their love. That was what mat­tered most. Yet, for many, lov­ing con­nec­tions may have been neglect­ed until it was too late.

How can we bring love to our lives? Where do we begin? The Torah con­tains the blue­prints. Rab­bi Beck­er has drawn from this infi­nite source of Divine wis­dom, empha­siz­ing the char­ac­ter traits that will enhance har­mo­nious inter­per­son­al rela­tion­ships,” — Rab­bi Dr. Abra­ham J. Twer­s­ki. Love Peace: Blue­prints for Last­ing Rela­tion­ships fol­lows the week­ly Torah por­tion and pro­vides the resources to rec­og­nize atti­tudes and behav­iors, mod­i­fy them and ben­e­fit. It presents time­less infor­ma­tion in a user-friend­ly for­mat. Suc­cinct and com­pelling essays are fol­lowed by ques­tions that serve as a spring­board for mean­ing­ful con­ver­sa­tion that will involve every­one at the table, young and old. The time to say, I love you! is now! Love Peace is your per­son­al coach for build­ing and enhanc­ing great rela­tion­ships.


Discussion Questions