
Make the Impos­si­ble Pos­si­ble: One Man’s Cru­sade to Inspire Oth­ers to Dream Big­ger and Achieve the Extraordinary

Bill Strick­land with Vince Rause
  • From the Publisher
February 24, 2014
Bill Strick­land has spend the past thir­ty years trans­form­ing the lives of thou­sands of peo­ple through Man­ches­ter Bid­well, the jobs train­ing cen­ter and com­mu­ni­ty arts pro­gram he found­ed in Pitts­burgh. Work­ing with cor­po­ra­tions, com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers, and schools, he and his staff strive to give dis­ad­van­taged kids and adults the oppor­tu­ni­ties and tools they need to envi­sion and build a bet­ter, brighter future.

In Make the Impos­si­ble Pos­si­ble, Bill Strick­land shows how each of us, by adopt­ing the atti­tudes and beliefs he has lived by every day, can reach our fullest poten­tial and achieve the impos­si­ble in our lives and careers – and per­haps change the world a lit­tle in the process. Through lessons from Strick­land’s own life expe­ri­ences and those of count­less oth­ers who have over­come chal­leng­ing cir­cum­stances and turned their lives around, Make the Impos­si­ble Pos­si­bleteach­es us how to build on our pas­sions and strengths, dream big­ger and set the bar high­er, achieve mean­ing­ful suc­cess, and inspire the lives of others.

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