
Mil­lion Dol­lar Women: Build a Mul­ti­mil­lion-Dol­lar Busi­ness Raise Cap­i­tal and Love (Almost) Every Minute of It

  • From the Publisher
May 18, 2015

There’s a lot for fem­i­nists today to feel hap­py about. But there is one stub­born bar­ri­cade that just won’t come down: the one that keeps women out­side the room where the cap­i­tal to build a big busi­ness is doled out. Lots of women start mom-and-pop busi­ness­es, and they start busi­ness­es at near­ly twice the rate that men do. But only 3 per­cent of female busi­ness own­ers have rev­enues over one mil­lion dol­lars — and even few­er of those women are Jew­ish. So how do you go big with your own busi­ness? In Mil­lion Dol­lar Women, Julia Pim­sleur shares the inspir­ing sto­ry of build­ing her own com­pa­ny, Lit­tle Pim, which pro­duces a pro­gram for young chil­dren to learn for­eign lan­guages, and teach­es the con­cepts, the lex­i­con, and the steps for head­ing a mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar busi­ness. She shows you how to net­work, when to del­e­gate, and how to over­come the emo­tion­al hur­dles you have to jump to join the mil­lion-dol­lar club. This is the essen­tial guide for female entre­pre­neurs, from some­one who’s fol­lowed the same path.

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