
Mon­ey Talks: 100 Strate­gies to Mas­ter Tricky Con­ver­sa­tions about Money

Deb­o­rah Garyson Riegel
  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

Almost any top­ic feels safer, san­er, and more secure than talk­ing about mon­ey. Who wants to dis­cuss salary increas­es, invest­ing, retire­ment, decid­ing whether your home again” col­lege grad should pay rent, or ask­ing for tzedakah (again)? Dis­cussing mon­ey can evoke com­pli­cat­ed emo­tions, and these dis­cus­sions often open up delayed deci­sions, com­pet­ing pri­or­i­ties, unspo­ken needs, and core val­ues. No won­der talk­ing about mon­ey feels so tough! Think of Mon­ey Talks as your per­son­al coach for tough finan­cial con­ver­sa­tions. This book includes sec­tions devot­ed to hav­ing con­ver­sa­tions with fam­i­ly mem­bers, from kids to aging par­ents, dis­cussing mon­ey with your boss or direct report, and a spe­cial chap­ter full of con­fi­dence-boost­ing advice for women. Each chap­ter breaks down com­pli­cat­ed and emo­tion­al con­ver­sa­tions into prac­ti­cal, con­crete strate­gies, includ­ing scripts to get you start­ed when you have no idea what to say or how to say it. With this book at your side, when it comes to talk­ing about mon­ey, you’ll nev­er be left speech­less again.

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