
More Than Enough

April Hal­prin Wayland
  • From the Publisher
April 1, 2016

In this sto­ry told in spare, lyri­cal prose, a Jew­ish fam­i­ly pre­pares for their Passover seder, vis­it­ing the farmer’s mar­ket for wal­nuts, lilacs, and hon­ey (and adopt­ing a kit­ten along the way!), then chop­ping apples for the charoset, and get­ting dressed up before walk­ing to Nana’s house. The refrain through­out is Dayenu” — a mind-set of thank­ful­ness, a reminder to be aware of the bless­ings in each moment. At Nana’s, there’s mat­zo ball soup, chick­en, coconut mac­a­roons, and of course, the hid­den afikomen. After open­ing the door for Eli­jah and singing the vers­es of Chad Gadya,”Nana tucks the chil­dren in for a spe­cial Passover sleepover. 

This warm, affec­tion­ate sto­ry embraces Passover in the spir­it of dayenu, and offers a com­pre­hen­sive glos­sary — it’s a per­fect read for the entire fam­i­ly in antic­i­pa­tion and cel­e­bra­tion of the holiday.

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