Just when you think you are reading (only) about sports, suddenly you are (also) learning new insights into Judaism. As a follow-up to his groundbreaking book PRAY BALL! The Spiritual Insights of a Jewish Sports Fan (Gefen Publishing House 1999) rabbi/attorney/sports fan/educator James Gordon entertains Jewish sports fans/athletes (male & female) of all ages /backgrounds by using famous sports stories & figures (over 150) to teach key components of sportsmanship. For nearly every story, a spiritual insight is introduced using famous Jewish historical figures to teach key Mitzvot and other practical lessons regarding Derekh Eretz v’Khavod (Respect & Honor). A seamless blend of sports journalism and a Jewish educational resource, the book is introduced by a foreword/preface by JBC Authors Jonathan Eig & Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff. In order to make PRAY BALL 2!! Spiritual Insights Into Sportsmanship an easy-to-use text to enhance sports and physical education programs at Jewish camps, schools, JCCs, and youth group programs, the author is currently working on extensive educational supplements derivatives which hope to be released as early as 2019.

PRAY BALL 2!!: Spiritual Insights Into Sportsmanship
- From the Publisher
January 1, 2013
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