
Pret­ty Revenge

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Ker­rie O’Malley, job­less and in an unful­fill­ing rela­tion­ship, can iso­late the sin­gu­lar moment in her life when things veered off course — the night she was irrev­o­ca­bly wronged by some­one she looked up to. Eigh­teen years lat­er, when Ker­rie sees the very woman who destroyed her life on tele­vi­sion, a fire ignites inside her. The stakes are high. The risks are per­ilous. But she’ll stop at noth­ing to achieve the ret­ri­bu­tion she deserves. 

Jor­dana Pier­son is a gild­ed New York­er who appears to have it all: wealth, glam­our, a suc­cess­ful and hand­some hus­band, and a thriv­ing wed­ding concierge busi­ness. Her record is spot­less. Her busi­ness is flour­ish­ing. No one knows the truth about her and the dark shad­ows of her past. No one that is except Ker­rie. Explor­ing just how far some­one will go for vengeance, Pret­ty Revenge is a riv­et­ing com­pul­sive­ly read­able nov­el burst­ing with twists and turns and plen­ty of suspense.

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