
Prophet­ic Voic­es: Renew­ing and Reimag­in­ing Haftarah

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

The tra­di­tion­al haf­tarah cycle, read on Shab­bat and hol­i­days dur­ing the Torah ser­vice, con­tains a wealth of prophet­ic wis­dom, yet today it is too often for­got­ten or ignored. Prophet­ic Voic­es gives new life to these ancient texts. A diverse group of con­trib­u­tors — includ­ing rab­bis, can­tors, schol­ars, edu­ca­tors, activists, and poets — pro­vide short com­men­taries on each haf­tarah, demon­strat­ing their pro­found rel­e­vance to the present. More­over, the vol­ume bold­ly invites us to rethink the haf­tarah canon. Going beyond the Prophets, it presents alter­na­tive read­ings from Jew­ish texts bib­li­cal to con­tem­po­rary. New haf­tarot for each Shab­bat and hol­i­day are includ­ed, plus haf­tarot for the Jew­ish Amer­i­can cal­en­dar, from Yom HaShoah to Pride Month to Mar­tin Luther King Jr. Day. The read­ings are enhanced by schol­ar­ly essays plac­ing the Prophets in a his­tor­i­cal con­text and exam­in­ing the role of prophe­cy in Reform Judaism. Prophet­ic Voic­es sum­mons us to lis­ten, study, think, and teach — as well as to sing, pray, and march.

Discussion Questions