
Shelf Life

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Shelf Life, which is set in St. Louis, is a Jew­ish Amer­i­can fam­i­ly saga about the rise of its fash­ion retail­ing empire, and how it splits and ulti­mate­ly dev­as­tates the family.

As the son of Max Feld­man, the bril­liant founder of the Fratel­li Mas­si­mo chain, Josh Feld­man has always known his destiny…working along­side his father dur­ing the last half of the 20th cen­tu­ry and one day suc­ceed­ing him, as promised by his father.

But as he comes of age, starts a fam­i­ly of his own, and works his way up in the busi­ness, Josh slow­ly begins to under­stand his father’s pen­chant for treach­ery. With Max’s ruth­less ambi­tion and his dri­ve to be cel­e­brat­ed for his suc­cess, will Josh ever be allowed to suc­ceed him?

When the fam­i­ly becomes divid­ed over the future of the busi­ness, Josh faces the fact that even the deep­est fam­i­ly bonds and his father’s promis­es may have a shelf life.

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