
Spot the Dif­fer­ence: Shabbos

Judaica Press
  • Review
January 20, 2016

The title says it all. Each spread of this book fea­tures two side-by-side pho­tos of items con­nect­ed to the Sab­bath: a beau­ti­ful­ly set table, an array of Sab­bath foods, a col­lec­tion of Kid­dush cups, and so forth. A cou­ple of lines of verse direct the read­er to find the sev­en (for the sev­en days of the week) small dif­fer­ences between the two pho­tos. There are also two white can­dles hid­den on every right-hand page. The verse is gener­ic, but the book does con­vey some basic infor­ma­tion, and there’s an addi­tion­al note at the back. It’s a fun chal­lenge. A nice choice for class­rooms, where there are many chil­dren to use it — on an indi­vid­ual lev­el, it won’t be much of a chal­lenge after the first or sec­ond reading.

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