
Street Cor­ner Dreams: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

A sus­pense­ful fam­i­ly saga, love sto­ry, and gang­ster tale, in one great book club read …

In 1914, Gol­da comes to Amer­i­ca yearn­ing for inde­pen­dence, but she aban­dons her dreams and mar­ries her wid­owed broth­er-in-law after her sis­ter dies giv­ing birth to their son.

In Brook­lyn, where Jew­ish gangs demand pro­tec­tion mon­ey from local store­keep­ers and entice young­sters with promis­es of wealth, Gol­da, Ben, and Morty thrive as a fam­i­ly. But in the Depres­sion, Ben, faced with finan­cial ruin, makes a dan­ger­ous choice. Morty tries unsuc­cess­ful­ly to save his father by get­ting help from a gang­ster friend. Forced to desert his fam­i­ly and the woman he loves in order to sur­vive, Morty won­ders if he will he ever find a safe way home.

Street Cor­ner Dreams is an explo­ration of a time­less ques­tion: how much do we owe the fam­i­lies that have sac­ri­ficed for us — and does that debt out­weigh what we owe our­selves and our hopes and dreams?

Discussion Questions